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Leopard Gecko Morph Masterlist

This list is a work in progress, and still needs some images for some morphs.

Any suggestions or criticisms can be sent to any of our social media accounts, or our chatbot!


White & Yellow

  • Colour enhancer

  • High white sides

  • Smaller spots


  • Extreme colour enhancer

  • Smaller smaller spots

  • Unethical to produce due to neurological issues linked to the gene, which often become irreversibly apparent when animal is stressed

  • Pale grey eyes

  • Extreme colours

  • Excessive growth of facial tissue

  • Unethical to produce as gene is linked to cancerous tumours


  • Colour enhancer

  • Highlighted dorsal stripe

  • Lavender, orange, green and yellow pigment common

  • Paradox spots common


  • Paler complexion

  • Greens common

  • Paradox spots common

Gem Snow

  • Paler complexion

TUG Snow

  • Paler complexion

Albey Snow*

  • Paler complexion

  • Debate over whether this is dominant or line bred

Incomplete Dominant

Mack Snow / Super Mack Snow

  • Mack Snows are black and white as hatchlings but often yellow with age

  • Super snows have fully black bodies as hatchlings, but turn white with black spots with age

  • Super Snows will always have black eyes regardless of the presence of eclipse

  • Commonly combined with Eclipse and White & Yellow

Giant / Super Giant*

  • Creates very large Leopard Geckos (150+ grams)

  • Much debate over whether they are Dominant, Line bred, or Recessive



  • Eye pigment gene

  • Causes black or partially black eyes

  • Where the gene is present, but the black pigment is entirely receded, geckos can look albino but are not. This is called Abyssinian.

  • Causes white feet, higher white sides, and smaller spots

  • Pied, especially on the nose and feet common

  • Common myth eclipse can affect eyesight - it doesn't!


  • Colour enhancer

  • Causes dark marbled eyes

  • Can cause facial deformity

  • Female NDBEs are infertile

  • Common in tangerine lines - particularly Tornados and Mandarins.

  • Dorsal stripe and enhanced colours common in het NDBE animals

Marble Eye

  • Marbled eyes


  • White, dark purple or yellow colour

  • Patternless

  • Often have black eyes without any eye genes present

  • Patternless pink as hatchlings

Murphy's Patternless

  • Similar to blizzard, but usually have white tails and yellow bodies

  • Completely patternless

  • Have interesting spotting as hatchlings which fades as they age

Albino Strains


  • The most common of the albino strains.

  • Visually cannot be reliably told apart from other albino strains

  • Lacking in black pigment - usually shades of yellow, white and pink with pale brown eyes


  • The second most common of the albino strains.

  • Visually cannot be reliably told apart from other albino strains

  • Lacking in black pigment - usually shades of yellow, white and pink with pale brown eyes

  • Often are darker than other albinos, but not always!


  • The least common of the albino strains.

  • Visually cannot be reliably told apart from other albino strains

  • Lacking in black pigment - usually shades of yellow, white and pink with pale brown eyes

Line Bred


  • Default colouration for Leopard Geckos

Bold Stripe

  • Two pigmented stripes down the geckos back

  • Many spin offs from the base phenotype (Bengal, Lavender Stripe, Firebold, and more)

Hypo / Super Hypo

  • Few to no spots on the back

  • Spots on and tail and sometimes head

  • One of the most common morphs


  • Bolder and more abstract pattern than normal

  • Not a morph - more of a descriptor

Carrot Tail

  • Significant amount of orange on the tail (75%+)


  • Orange

  • There are hundreds of tangerine lines, all with their own distinct traits, the some being Blood, Mandarin, Green & Tangerine, Clown, Tornado

Melanistic (Black Night, Charcoal, Black Pearl)

  • Line bred to be dark - black

  • Current trend is to mix them with Super Snows to create solid black pied animals, or with tangerine to create 'chocolate orange' geckos - loads of potential with this line

  • Still commonly thought to be the most expensive morph, but this is now far from the truth, with pure line animals being sold for as little as £500 in 2024.

  • Previously had fertility issues and a few other problems related to inbreeding depression, but this seems to be becoming less prevalent as more breeders begin to work with the line.



Leopard Geckos London

A subsidiary of Reptile Management and Logistics Ltd

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Animal Activities License No. 882576

Licenced by the London Borough of Southwark

Company Number 12993592

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