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What do Leopard Geckos eat?

Leopard Geckos are mostly insectivorous and benefit from eating a wide variety of captive-bred live food. In order for your Leopard Gecko to be healthy, you need to ensure their food is dusted in supplements according to a set schedule, and that they have access to UVB and basking opportunities.

Staple Foods

The following insects can be fed reguarly, as a part of your Leopard Geckos varied diet. Variation is key, we recommend feeding your gecko at least 3 species of insect reguarly.

Dubia Cockroaches


  • Very easy to keep alive

  • Cannot climb or fly, so don't escape easily

  • Cannot reproduce without more heat and humidity than British houses provide in the event of an escape

  • Don't smell

  • Very nutritious

  • Quiet

  • Can be fed veggie scraps and cat food


  • Many people dislike the idea of keeping cockroaches

  • Difficult to release into an enclosure, as they don't move around much and will burrow into soil.

  • Relatively expensive



  • Easy to keep alive

  • Relatively slow-moving (easy to catch)

  • Can be released into an enclosure, allowing for hunting enrichment

  • Cheap to buy

  • Can be left unattended in an enclosure, unlikely to bite

  • Quiet

  • Can be fed veggie scraps and cat food


  • Can jump so escapes more likely

Red Runner Cockroaches


  • Nutritious

  • Fun for your gecko to hunt

  • Silent

  • Easy to keep alive

  • Very cheap to buy

  • Can be fed veggie scraps and cat food


  • Many people dislike the idea of keeping cockroaches

  • Can breed in your house if they escape

  • Bad smelling

  • Smaller size so your gecko will need to eat more



  • Very nutritious

  • Leopard Geckos love them

  • Don't smell


  • Expensive

  • Difficult to keep alive

  • Difficult to breed

  • Can only eat mulberry leaves (you can buy paste)



  • Very cheap

  • Somewhat nutritious (hard exo-skeleton)

  • Very easy to keep alive

  • Can be fed veggie scraps and cat food

  • Most geckos from breeders will be established on mealworms

  • Can be left in a bowl so geckos always have access


  • Can have a small when large amounts are kept

  • Often used as a geckos only food source, which isn't ideal

  • If allowed to pupate, they will become darkling beetles which Leopard Geckos don't like to eat



  • Nutritious

  • Great for hunting enrichment

  • Very cheap


  • Difficult to keep alive

  • Smell bad

  • Quite loud (even 'silent' varieties chirp)

  • Good at escaping

'Every Once in a While' Foods

The following insects can be fed semi-reguarly, as a part of your Leopard Geckos varied diet. I don't recommend feeding these more than once a week

Superworms / Morio Worms


  • Leopard Geckos (mostly) love them

  • Very cheap


  • Not the healthiest

  • Can bite - some people squash their heads, I personally just feed them head first

Fruit Beetle Grubs


  • Add interesting variety to your geckos diet

  • Reasonably easy to keep alive


  • Very powerful jaws, 100% need to have their heads crushed before feeding

  • Messy

  • A tad expensive



  • Add interesting variety to your geckos diet

  • Nutritious

  • Cheap


  • Quite small, so some leopard geckos won't eat them

  • Difficult to gutload

Treat Foods

The following insects can be fed occasionally, as a part of your Leopard Geckos varied diet. I don't recommend feeding these more than once every few weeks.



  • Add interesting variety to your geckos diet

  • Cheap

  • Geckos LOVE them


  • Geckos can refuse to eat anything else if fed too often

  • Very fatty

We hope you love the items on this list - just so you know we may collect a share of sales if you buy via the links provided.



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